Military Discount Program
As a thank you for your service we are happy to announce a new Military Discount Program here at The Coffee Project.
Qualified active-duty military and veterans can receiveĀ 7% off unroasted coffee beans. This discount will be tied to your account and will be automatically applied at checkout.
Active-duty personnel can enrollĀ by emailing us atĀ support@coffeeproject.comĀ from your .mil email address. If you already have an account with us, just let us know what email address your account is tied to.
Military veterans can enrollĀ by submitting one of the identification options listed.Ā Department of Defense Form DD214 indicating an honorable discharge (please blockĀ SSN). A Veterans designated driver's license or Veteran Health Insurance card is also acceptable. Again block your SSN if listed. Please email a copy toĀ support@coffeeproject.com
It has come to our attention that Military ID's cannot be photocopied for identification purposes.Ā We are working on alternatives. Please send us an email if you are a veteran, but don't have one of the approved forms of identification.Ā