Coffee Blossom Honey
We are super excited to be able to add Coffee Blossom Honey to our menu. We first sampled this back in October and immediately knew we had to share this amazing honey. The issue was, at that at the time, it was only available in glass jars. We were worried about the logistics of shipping glass jars along with coffee. We've stayed in close contact with the team that produces and packages it. They recently introduced Honey Stix and the Kickstand Box.
 So what's so amazing about this honey?
Coffee Blossom Honey comes from coffee plantations in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Farmers in this region of the world rely on their coffee harvests to provide for their families all year long. Using bees in coffee has become a growing trend to help the coffee buds set and to help the tree bloom.
Farmers will put hives around the plantations to allow the bees constant access to the coffee blossom nectar. Farmers must use mobile extraction processes due to the remote and steepness of the terrain.
To be considered honey from Coffee Pollen, the apiaries must be within 1 km of the primary nectar source and the harvest must happen right after the blossoms fall.
We also offer the two coffees that come from the "Honeybee Farm". These coffees and honey are from two farms owned by Jorge Mendez. He started as a picker on farms in the San Pedro Necta. He and his wife saved up money until they had enough to buy a small piece of land down by the Pan-American Highway. Jorge learned the value of coffee; how to buy and sell, quality metrics, and how to grow quality coffees.
He sold his property and moved back up the mountain to be back in Agua Culc. Here he bought two small parcels and worked the land. At first, coffee wouldn't grow at this elevation (5300 feet) and he grew corn while trying many different kinds of coffees. Finally, he discovered how to grow coffees at this altitude and continued to work on quality.
Check out our Guatemala El Panal SHB and Guatemala Las Huellas SHBÂ .