Josuma Monsooned Robusta (for espresso blends)
Josuma Monsooned Robusta (for espresso blends)
If you are new to Robusta, please note that Robusta is meant to be a small element in your espresso blend. Think of it as condiment. You wouldn't eat a ketchup only sandwich, but you might add a little to improve the overall experience.
This monsooned coffee is the Robusta equivalent of a Monsooned Malabar-AA and the beans undergo exactly the same process as the Arabica version but using the top grade of naturally processed Robusta instead.
This coffee exhibits a very soft, mellow, clean flavor. It is best used in espresso blends, especially those using Brazil naturals as the base.
The way to use this coffee is to add a small amount of Monsooned Robusta in your espresso blend for greater crema and an additional caffeine kick.
The Raw Facts
The Raw Facts
Origin: India
Mark: 14/7/2021/127
Josuma Coffee Company imports fine specialty coffees exclusively from India for distribution. All the coffees they import are the result of "direct trade", buying them directly from the estates where they are grown, picked, and processed to meet Josuma's exacting standards.