CP Select Brazil
CP Select Brazil
5.0 / 5.0
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A classic Brazil profile that is balanced and sweet.
Flavor Notes: dried apricot, orange-citrus aroma. Notes of tangerine-orange, apricot and cashew. Heavy body, light acidity.
Roast Recommendations:
Medium Roast, Dark Roast
You will notice fresh acidity, and flavor nuances of clean berries and fruits with a thick creamy body.
This coffee shines in blends and espresso preparation as it exhibits a flavor balance between punchy fruit and chewy nut. It produces great crema and has a long lingering sweetness.
We recommend giving this one a good 3 days to rest after roasting.
The Raw Facts
The Raw Facts
- Origin: South America
- Region: Brazil
- Farm: Variety - CP Select was chosen for quality and consistency
- Variety: Varies - Bourbon, Typica, Catuai, Yellow Bourbon, Maracaturra, Maragogype, Catimor
- Altitude: Varies - 750-1200 masl
- Process: Varies - Natural
- Growing Season: May through September
- Harvest/Shipping: Harvest May-August
- Certifications: none
Uncropping the Details
Uncropping the Details
Hey!! Did you know George Washington bought raw coffee?
Check out the image of his note below. It says, "Mount Vernon Sept. 29th 1770 Sir, In return for the Herrings, (which will be shipped as a joint stock by Mr Campbell & myself) you will please to bring me the following Articles,
1 Hogshead of good rum.
1 Barrel of good Spirits.
200 lb. of Coffee.
100 lb. of best single refined Sugar.
100 lb. of—double Do &
100 or 200 Oranges if to be had good.
The balance of my half of the sales of the herrings you will please to bring me in Cash, & of such kinds as will pass here without loss. I wish you a pleasant & prosperous voyage, & safe return to your Owners and Friends.
I am Sir Your very humble Servant."
Cool, Right? Get some for yourself now.
By the way... What's CP Select? Well, coffee is a yearly crop and much like wine, some crops really sing. While all Specialty Coffee farmers do their best and many farms are extremely consistent, sometimes the magic moves around. On our menu you'll see a number of farms called out by name; La Minita, Kauai Coffee, La Torcaza and others with established records for high quality and consistency. But you'll also see a number of choices we call CP Select. CP Select choices are instances where things need to change in order to stay the same. And that's where we're a little different.
Our CP Select choices like our Estate choices are chosen for their high quality in combination with choosing for consistency from order to order. That's for you. This can be an important element when you've found a type of coffee you love or a certain blend you've created that you want to maintain. Perfection is a difficult goal but we do strive for that ongoing level of quality and consistency in each CP Select choice; that its same as possible each time you order. While those CP Select coffees do lose their bag to bag pedigrees as we source our beans different farms as we search for our choices. They do carry our brand on the site, that's our seal of approval as a CP Select choice. Familiarity and consistency order to order. Our philosophy in the beans menu is one of "jewels and jeans." We absolutely have jewels such as Cup of Excellence beans and many other extraordinary Rock Stars of coffee. And, we also offer super high quality "blue jeans" of coffee; familiar, comfortable, worry-free, trustworthy, high-quality daily drivers. These are our CP Select beans. Equal quality chosen for repeat orders.