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Nicaragua FTO Jinotega

Nicaragua FTO Jinotega

8 total reviews

Regular price $8.00 USD
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Flavor notes: floral aroma, notes of chocolate and citrus with a creamy body and wine-like acidity.

The Raw Facts

  • Origin: Nicaragua
  • Region: Jinotega
  • Farm: small farm holders
  • Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Catimor
  • Altitude: 1300m or 4,265 ft.
  • Process: washed and patio dried
  • Harvest/Shipping: January - April
  • Certifications: Fair Trade, Organic
  • Crop Year: 2024

Uncropping the Details

There are five growing regions in Nicaragua. Each region's microclimate adds its own unique spin on the coffee grown there. Jinotega is a lower-altitude region. This requires a higher attention to detail.

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